Wednesday, June 13, 2007

And now, this month's preview of "Adorable Animal Pictures":

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Alright folks, we have a few funny pictures for the month of March. Click the comments button at the end of the post to leave your message on your favorite one. Don't worry. When it asks you if you are a member, just click "Anonymous" and leave your name at the end of your message.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Women vs Big trucks

I asked my friend in class next to me today a topic of discussion that she's interested in, and she responded with "Big trucks". "Well," I said, "Do you mean how women should be allowed to drive big trucks without being disciminated against by men?" And she said, "Yes". So, as you can see, I've now started a blogging on "Women vs Big trucks".

I want women to ask themselves this question: "Do I look good in a truck?" Once you've answered that one, go on and ask yourself this: "Do men that I know think I shouldn't be behind the wheel of a truck?"

If you answered yes to that last one, why do you think that is? Is it because men are realizing that us women are becoming more modernized and not the typical "Let me scrub the kitchen floor on my hand's and knee's with a toothbrush" kind of girl? Or maybe besides that, they realize that we are gaining more independence and are wanting a tighter hold things. Maybe they are trying to hold on to the last remnants of their manhood. Do big trucks play a role in their manhood? Ask one if you really one to know.

I personally think that is could be a possibility. I think men see a big truck and think because it is a macho toy, they become macho. And now that women have disconnected from the typical housewife life-style, they to are seeing this either the same way or in a different light. It's your decision to choose which one.

Do you think women should be allowed to own and drive a big truck without being discriminated against by men? Or are you pro for the housewife girl? Maybe you're neutral, like myself, and don't even given a crap about who drives what?

Post what you think in the comments archive at the end of this blog.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Obesity in America

I want you to ask yourself this question. How often do you see a child or teen that is over weight? And be honest. Think about the enormity of the matter. There is a serious issue among Americans that poses a threat to our future generation's health.

Do you believe the media when they give statistics of American adults vs. Children who are over weight? What about the food they serve in schools? Where do you stand?

Consider this; when a child is reminded daily the difference between health food and junk food whether it be by the media or even their own families, think about what might run through their minds. "Hmm... what looks yummier...? Donuts! Cupcakes! Twinkies! Oh my!"

Studies are saying that there are more obese adults today than there are children and teens, but that the youth is not too far behind. What will become of American citizens once the last generation above us is gone and we teens are left to run this country? Will we be leading an example of milk shakes and cheeseburgers? Or will there be a break through for fitness that gets this nation as a whole back into shape?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Where do I weigh in?

  • Am I pro or con considering teen obesity?

  • What can I do to help this so-called "American health epidemic"?
  • Do I care what the future holds concerning our younger generations?
Is the media full of crap when they paint a picture in some minds that we American's are nothing but lazy, grungy, fat people with sauce-dripping cheeseburger's clutched in our bulging hands? Or can there possibly be a truth to the "crisis" among adults, teens, and below concerning our weight?

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes. It can harm your body, change you and your family's lives, and it can kill you. Consider this a lesson for the day. And take this information to the heart.

How do you know the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes? The difference is that type 1 is when your body does NOT produce insulin. Unlike type 1, type 2 is able to produce insulin, but there's a catch. It either isn't enough for the body, or the body is not able to recognize it. Problems then occur with the glucose level and the blood stream, which in turn result in major complications.

When there is build up of glucose in the cells, a few problems may occur:
  • Dehydration
  • Damage to the body
  • Hyperosmolar nonketotic diabetic coma

  • (number 3's information can be located on several websites, one being WebMd) Here is the link:

Anyone can get type 2 diabetes, but there usually has to be something there to trigger the disease. Most more than none will develope it because of:


*Old age


*High cholesterol

*And female gestational diabetes

Here are some symptoms of type 2 diabetes, though they may vary between people, they are still very common among type 2 diabetes patients:

  • Increased thirst
  • Increased hunger (even after eating)
  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea and possible vomitting
  • Continuous urination
  • Fatigue
  • Blurred vision
  • Numbness or tingling in the hands and feet
  • And frequent infections of the urinary tract or genitals

    Some of the major complications that come with obtaining type 2 can include:

  • Retinopathy
  • Kidney damge
  • And poor circulation or nerve damge
  • Thanks to, this information can be spread and read by many people around the world. Here is a link to WebMd's expansive research on type 2 diabetes that can help people cope with the illness:

    And this is another website that is dedicated to helping cope with type 2 diabetes:

    Are Horoscopes Real?

    So, the question for this blogging is "Are Horoscopes Real?"
    I've been wondering this myself. This past month I've checked my mother's, my boyfriend's, and my own, and come to the conclusion that there is a weird coinscidence between horoscopes and our lives.
    They may not match up directly to the description of your life during the directed day, but my mother seems to have contracted a magnetic reaction, because these horoscopes seem to have attached to her life. They always seem to be right on the nose with her life and what struggles she is attempting to overcome. The past month she has found a lot of difficult decisions that she's had to face, and since my father was admitted to the hospital they have increased. That was when I realized all the horoscopes that I HAVE checked of hers are almost always attached to a negative energy.
    The following links are listed to help in your decision or opinion about horoscopes:

    This link below is in favor that horoscopes are indeed real. She is an author of her website, "lipstickmystic" and author of horoscopes:

    This site is in favor of a more religious look on horoscopes: also has a ready link to check daily horoscopes straight from your MySpace homepage. Here is the horoscope page:

    Who Killed Kurt Cobain??

    So, the majority of us know who Kurt Cobain was.
    But WHO killed him!?
    That's a question a lot of people would like to know. I, myself, would like to learn more about the subject. So far, tonight, I've learned some interesting things about his death. Was it a suicide or a murder? This site I've listed can show you videos of this controversy that are VERY interesting:
    All you have to do is type in "Kurt Cobain" and your good.
    The controversy between suicide or murder concerning his death is interesting because they add in his almost "ex-wife" into the list of murderer suspects, labeling Courtney Love as the top choice. They list evidence why his death points to murder and how the evidence from the crime scene does not match up with the title "suicide".
    This is one video:
    If the link does not take you to the correct site on, than try searching for it a different way.